Online Video - Creating new programming



TFAO has prepared a checklist to guide museums through the process of developing new programming. See TFAO's Project Checklist which is helpful for both administrators who need to get an idea of the flow of the pre-production and production process and for education and exhibits staff


Apple Learning Interchange

The Apple Learning Interchange provides a well-prepared online exhibit titled Videography for Educators, authored by Keith Mitchell,[1] on the art of videography for educators.

Videography for Educators contains essential tips and techniques for museums planning video recordings. Sections include:

Notes for Videography for Educators sections:

1. includes streaming video discussion
2. TFAO highly recommends this section, backed by Al Gore, introduces itself as follows "Current is a global television network that gives you the opportunity to create and influence what airs on TV... Anyone who wants to contribute can upload a video. Then, everyone in the Current online community votes for what should be on TV. You can join in at either stage - watch & vote or make video." Current has a well-developed online training guide to help people learn the skills needed to make online TV. The training segments include:


The Commonwealth of Learning in Vancouver, BC posted on its Video/videoconferencing in Support of Distance Education page tips for effective video streaming which include:

Videos can be produced for multiple delivery methods including PSAs, VHS, DVD, kiosk and online delivery. Other content may be rendered solely for web site viewing or video emails.

Programs can be produced by internal staff with minimal out of pocket expense. Outside services may donate time and materials in trade for credits and identification as sponsors in the finished product. As an example, a collaboration of multiple resources -- curatorial, communications and publications staff members at the Georgia Art Museum, museum docents, a professor in the University of Georgia's Lamar Dodd School of Art, a convention and visitors bureau, a local public relations firm and other organizations -- enabled the production of a well-received 15 minute video in connection with the exhibition Andrée Ruellan's 100th Birthday, in celebration of the 100th birthday of Andrée Ruellan, an artist whose career spans the 20th century. Click here to learn more about this video.

Public television stations can be approached to assist in programming. Numerous examples of art museum/PBS affiliate collaborations are listed in TFAO's Examples of online video and Videos -VHS catalogue.

Nationwide, there are many other resources for original programming. [2] An example of a non-profit specialty organization is BAVC Executive Production which produces arts-related content for non-commercial projects. Bay Area Video Coalition is located at 2727 Mariposa Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco CA 94110. Phone: 415.558.2101 or 415.861.3282. For a national resource guide on locating local videographers see the search page provided by Respond.

In connection with an upcoming project, TFAO has obtained pricing for production and editing services. Other pricing information is also included. These quotes may be insightful for museums' budgeting and bidding processes. See TFAO's Videography production and editing costs.


A note on promotional videos

Promotional videos are used as a marketing tool to appeal for funding and volunteer support. Speakers representing a museum often circulate among local service organizations using videos help to raise awareness and money, and to seek volunteers. Development volunteers or staffers use these typically five to seven minute videos when speaking to planned giving prospects and to continuing education groups of CPAs. Videos are also used at galas. Clips from videos are useful for PSAs. A worthwhile article by Ted Needleman, which initially appeared in The Nonprofit Times, August 1, 2001, was reproduced with permission by the Benton Foundation. Although now outdated in terms of equipment and software advances since the article was written, it explains how to use sweat equity and creativity to produce an inexpensive yet adequate promotional video.


Glossary of video terms

For definitions of basic video terms see the glossary provided by Panasonic. For a more complete list see the glossary provided by


1. Dr. Mitchell is the senior manager of QuickTime and Digital Publishing for the Apple corporate education leadership team.  Keith is the currently the content manager for the Apple Learning Interchange, Apple's online resource for professional educators.  Keith works with educators in publishing exhibits of practice, using video to show exciting uses of technology in the classroom.   The exhibit Videography Tips and Techniques for Educators was developed to support educators who were publishing video on the Learning Interchange. Additionally, Keith works with content contributors such as NASA, the Smithsonian, The Field Museum, Ball State Electronic Field Trips and others who publish streaming video content on the Apple Learning Interchange. Prior to his current work, Keith represented Apple as an educational technology consultant to public schools. His Ph.D. is in Science Education from the University of Texas Austin. Prior to Apple, Keith was at the Texas Education Agency as an educational technology consultant and taught high school science for ten years.

2. For an example of superior production and online presentation quality, see Curator Deborah Epstein Solon narrate a video on the exhibition "In and Out of California, Travels of American Impressionists" held at the Monterey Museum of Art and the Laguna Art Museum. [4 minutes, 41 seconds]

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rev. 1/14/07

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